Join us for Volunteer Night!

  • What to Expect

    Various projects are always taking place at CRBH, and a list will always be posted prior to Volunteer Night. For those of you seasoned bike mechanics, we always need help fixing and tuning up our ever-growing bike inventory. We have lots of donated bikes that still need to be assessed and cleaned, as well as a large inventory of bike parts and accessories that need sorting. Speaking of bike parts, our bike scrap and salvage pile is always needing attention so feel free to drop by and disassemble a few.

  • Who can Volunteer?

    Anyone who has signed a Volunteer Waiver and/or attended one of our volunteer orientations. If you haven’t been able to make our monthly orientation, but want to lend a hand, drop by and we’ll get you plugged in.

  • Why Volunteer with CRBH?

    As a volunteer-run non-profit, we depend on your time and talents to keep things rolling. Your efforts directly support the organization’s vision and mission, and support many of our current and upcoming community initiatives. Volunteering is a rewarding way to spend your evening, gain new skills, and connect with others.